The Kiowas

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Vanishing Link

D.M. Rowell spent years recording stories and songs from elders in the Kiowa tribe. Each elder filmed wanted to share their stories and knowledge with future generations to ensure that the Kiowas would not be forgotten. Vanishing Link is told as a traditional Plains Indian storytelling, unfolding with its own unique rhythm, entwining D.M. Rowell’s personal journey with never-before shared Kiowa stories, songs and art. Find out more about Vanishing Link here .

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Select Videos From "The Kiowa Language" Series

We brought cameras and audio gear to capture and preserve Kiowa Elders speaking their native language, Kiowa. While there are books and reference materials helping to teach the Kiowa language, nothing compares to actually hearing a Kiowa speaker speak Kiowa.

Listening to Native speakers speaking Kiowa is the best way to hear our unique sounds, understand usage and get started learning our Kiowa language.

Learning Kiowa

Learning Kiowa

Watch Kiowa elders and members discuss the importance of preserving and using the Kiowa language. Tribe Elders share how they learned the Kiowa language, the importance of preserving our language, and their childhood memories.


Introduction to the Kiowa Language

Elder Bernadine Rhoades

Kiowa Elder Bernadine Rhoades has spoken Kiowa since birth. It’s the language she grew up speaking daily. Bernadine introduces viewers to the unique sounds of the Kiowa language and some basic conversational words.


Introduction to the Kiowa Language

Martha Koomsa Perez

Martha Koomsa Perez learned to speak Kiowa from her father Bill Koomsa. She is dedicated to teaching others the Kiowa language. In her first lesson, Martha provides background on the language while teaching words for every day use.


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